50 MFM Prayer Points for Breaking Unfruitful Labor

50 MFM Prayer Points for Breaking Unfruitful Labor

Prayers for Mountain of Fire And Miracles Ministries
  • 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.   2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.

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  50 MFM Prayer Points for Breaking Unfruitful Labor:


“I declare that I will no longer labor in vain. Every unfruitful labor, hardship, and frustration is broken in the name of Jesus. I trust in God’s promises for abundant life and productivity. I receive divine wisdom, favor, and strength to accomplish all that God has called me to do. By His grace, I will not toil without result, for the Lord is my helper, and He causes my labor to bear fruit.”


  Bible Verse: 

“The Lord will bless the work of your hands and make you fruitful in every area of your life.”

—   Deuteronomy 28:12


    50 MFM Prayer Points for Breaking Unfruitful Labor:

Praise & Worship

  1. Every yoke of unfruitful labor, break, in the name of Jesus.
  2. My labor shall not be in vain, in the name of Jesus.
  3. I receive divine wisdom to prosper in all my endeavors, in Jesus’ name.
  4. Let every spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  5. I command all unfruitful works in my life to be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  6. O God, empower my hands for profitable labor, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every curse of unfruitful labor placed upon me, break by the blood of Jesus.
  8. Every spirit of stagnation, I command you to lose your hold on me, in Jesus’ name.
  9. I bind and cast out every power that causes labor without result, in Jesus’ name.
  10. Let every spirit of wasted effort in my life be silenced, in Jesus’ name.
  11. I declare that I am anointed for fruitful labor in Jesus’ name.
  12. O Lord, bless the work of my hands and make me fruitful, in Jesus’ name.
  13. I break every ancestral curse of unfruitful labor, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Let my labor bring forth a harvest of success and prosperity, in Jesus’ name.
  15. Every power of unfruitful labor assigned against me, be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  16. I rebuke every spirit of poverty that attacks my labor, in Jesus’ name.
  17. Let divine favor attend to the works of my hands, in Jesus’ name.
  18. Every power that stops my progress in labor, be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  19. I declare that all my works shall be established in success, in Jesus’ name.
  20. Let all the fruits of my labor manifest, in the name of Jesus.
  21. O Lord, deliver me from the bondage of unproductive labor, in Jesus’ name.
  22. Every power causing my labor to be in vain, be silenced, in Jesus’ name.
  23. Let the Lord make a way where there seems to be no way in my labor, in Jesus’ name.
  24. I break the power of frustration over my labor, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Let all invisible forces hindering my productivity be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  26. I call forth the harvest of success from every work I lay my hands on, in Jesus’ name.
  27. Let every curse of laboring in vain be broken in my life, in Jesus’ name.
  28. O God, multiply my efforts and bless the work of my hands, in Jesus’ name.
  29. I declare that every effort I put in will yield fruit, in Jesus’ name.
  30. Let my labor bring joy and prosperity into my life, in Jesus’ name.
  31. Every demonic spirit behind my unfruitful labor, be cast out, in Jesus’ name.
  32. I command the spirit of toil and frustration to depart from my life, in the name of Jesus.
  33. O Lord, make me fruitful in everything I do, in the name of Jesus.
  34. Let every chain of unfruitful labor be broken, in Jesus’ name.
  35. I claim divine productivity and fruitfulness in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name.
  36. O Lord, bring an end to every struggle in my labor, in the name of Jesus.
  37. Let the blessings of God make my labor fruitful, in the name of Jesus.
  38. I break the power of spiritual poverty that affects my labor, in Jesus’ name.
  39. I command every spirit of backwardness in my labor to depart, in the name of Jesus.
  40. O Lord, open the doors of productivity and success to me, in the name of Jesus.
  41. I command every power causing my labor to be fruitless to be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  42. Let every power of lack, hindering my labor, be broken, in Jesus’ name.
  43. I declare that the works of my hands are blessed and will yield increase, in Jesus’ name.
  44. Every power working against my harvest, be destroyed, in Jesus’ name.
  45. Let the Lord cause my labor to bring forth abundance, in Jesus’ name.
  46. I reject every spirit of frustration over my labor, in Jesus’ name.
  47. Let the anointing of fruitfulness come upon my labor, in the name of Jesus.
  48. I declare that all the works of my hands will prosper and bear fruit, in Jesus’ name.
  49. Every spirit of dryness, causing unfruitful labor in my life, I cast you out, in Jesus’ name.
  50. I declare that I will not labor in vain but will receive the fruits of my labor, in Jesus’ name.

These prayer points, alongside the confession and Bible verse, will help strengthen your prayer life and bring breakthrough in your labor.

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