50 MFM Prayer Points for Grace to Forgive

50 MFM Prayer Points for Grace to Forgive

Prayers for Mountain of Fire And Miracles Ministries
  • 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.   2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.

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50 MFM Prayer Points for Grace to Forgive:

Confession with Bible Verse:


I confess that I am a child of God, and I have been forgiven by the grace of God. As I have received forgiveness, I choose to forgive others from the depth of my heart. I reject bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness. I walk in peace and love, and I release everyone who has wronged me, knowing that God’s grace empowers me to forgive. I declare that the grace to forgive flows through me, and I am free from all chains of unforgiveness.

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  Bible Verse:    

_Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)_ – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

50 MFM Prayer Points for Grace to Forgive:

Praise & Worship

  1. Father, I thank You for Your abundant grace that enables me to forgive others.
  2. Lord, help me to release every form of bitterness and anger in my heart.
  3. I receive the grace to forgive as You have forgiven me, in Jesus’ name.
  4. Every spirit of unforgiveness, I cast you out of my life, in Jesus’ name.
  5. Lord, fill me with Your love so that I can forgive those who have wronged me.
  6. Holy Spirit, help me to overcome every offense in my heart.
  7. Father, teach me to forgive as You have forgiven me, without holding grudges.
  8. I receive divine healing from every wound caused by unforgiveness, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Lord, give me the grace to release those who have hurt me in the past.
  10. I bind every spirit of resentment that tries to take root in my heart, in Jesus’ name.
  11. I renounce every unforgiving spirit in my life and choose to forgive in the name of Jesus.
  12. Father, help me to forgive those who have spoken ill of me, in Jesus’ name.
  13. I break every curse of unforgiveness operating in my family line, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Lord, I forgive all those who have wronged me, and I set them free in Jesus’ name.
  15. Every power hindering my ability to forgive, I command you to leave, in Jesus’ name.
  16. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus and declare that no offense will control me.
  17. Father, help me to forgive from the heart, and not just in words, in Jesus’ name.
  18. Every root of bitterness in my heart, be uprooted by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  19. I declare peace in my heart, as I forgive those who have offended me, in Jesus’ name.
  20. Holy Spirit, soften my heart to forgive even the most difficult offenses.
  21. I reject every thought of vengeance and choose to forgive in the name of Jesus.
  22. I declare that I am free from the chains of unforgiveness and bitterness, in Jesus’ name.
  23. Father, empower me to love and forgive my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  24. Every power causing me to remember past offenses, I destroy you by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  25. I release forgiveness to every person who has hurt me emotionally, physically, or spiritually.
  26. Lord, heal my heart from the pain of past offenses and grant me peace.
  27. I declare that I will not be a prisoner to unforgiveness but will walk in the freedom of grace.
  28. Every spirit of rage and wrath, I cast you out of my life, in Jesus’ name.
  29. Father, give me the grace to forgive those who have wronged me repeatedly.
  30. I bind every power that seeks to sow seeds of unforgiveness in my heart, in the name of Jesus.
  31. I declare the grace of God will help me to let go of every offense, in Jesus’ name.
  32. Lord, make my heart pure, so that I can forgive easily and walk in love.
  33. I command every spirit of unforgiveness to loose its hold over my life, in Jesus’ name.
  34. I declare that I will not allow unforgiveness to rob me of my peace and joy, in Jesus’ name.
  35. Father, I receive grace to forgive those who have hurt me intentionally and unintentionally.
  36. I refuse to harbor bitterness against anyone, and I choose to walk in peace and forgiveness.
  37. Every spirit of hatred and malice, I bind you and cast you out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
  38. I release forgiveness over my parents, siblings, friends, and anyone who has offended me.
  39. I declare that every wound caused by unforgiveness is healed by the blood of Jesus.
  40. Lord, help me to forgive those who have betrayed my trust, in the name of Jesus.
  41. Every generational curse of unforgiveness in my family, I break you by the power of the Holy Ghost.
  42. I speak healing and restoration into every relationship that has been damaged by unforgiveness.
  43. Father, help me to forgive myself for my past mistakes and failures.
  44. I declare that my heart is free from bitterness and full of love, in Jesus’ name.
  45. Lord, give me strength to forgive even when it seems impossible.
  46. I declare that every stronghold of unforgiveness is demolished by fire, in Jesus’ name.
  47. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and declare that it removes every offense.
  48. Father, I surrender my anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness at Your feet, in Jesus’ name.
  49. I decree that I will not allow unforgiveness to hinder my spiritual growth, in the name of Jesus.
  50. Father, thank You for Your grace that helps me to forgive and walk in peace with all men, in Jesus’ name.
READ ALSO  50 MFM Prayer Points for Deliverance from Evil Dreams 

May these prayer points help you in seeking the grace to forgive and live in peace!

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