- 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.  2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say:Â Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
CAGED BY THE WATER – Power Against Marine Spirits by Dr. D.K Olukoya
Let us get into this practical message, by looking at an outstanding promise given to all of God’s children. This promise is necessary, in view of the fact that we need to be assured, time and again, that God is able to deliver and set us free from all forms of satanic attacks.
And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel. Even all that fight against her and her mountains shall be as a dream of night vision. It shall be even as when a hungry man dreameth and behold he is eating but when he awaketh his soul is empty or as when a thirsty man dreameth and behold he is drinking but when he awaketh and behold he is faint and his soul hath appetite. So shell the multitude of the nations be that fight against you (Isaiah 29:7-8).
This is a very powerful promise. You must also allow the promise to produce practical results in your life. It must also bring you into the full realization of the fact that, although the enemy may be hungry for destruction, but they will not be able to destroy any of God’s children.
At this point, I will like you to take two practical steps.
One, I want you to take the Scriptures again with practical personal emphasis.
Two, I want you to take this prayer point.
O Lord, fulfil this promise in my life, in the name of Jesus.
The Bible makes us to understand that there are six kingdoms. These six kingdoms are under specific authorities or principalities. As you go from one kingdom to another, (in a sort of spiritual mapping or research) you discover different varieties and patterns in their methods of operation. The first kingdom is the kingdom of God which is controlled by the Almighty God. To be a member of this kingdom you must give your life to Christ. That experience makes you a citizen of God’s kingdom.
Of all the six kingdoms, this is the highest. And anyone who is a member of this kingdom is placed at a higher level than every member of the five other kingdoms. However, not everyone has experienced this glorious elevation.
There are members of God’s kingdom who are still being dominated by members of forces from the other kingdoms. The reason for this kind of situation is not farfetched. A man who does not know his right, may fail to occupy his legal position. Also, those who violate the principle of God’s kingdom will also live below the level which God has placed them.
Many people who are supposed to mount up like eagles by virtue of the fact that they are seated together with Christ in heavenly places are living below the divine level which has been earmarked for them, simply because they are still toying with elementary materials and values. Anyone who is
allowing the things of the world to drag them down, will end up becoming subject to the whims and caprices of the powers of the other kingdoms.
The kingdom of God, differs significantly from all the other kingdoms because it supersedes all of them. This kingdom will outlive and outlast all the other kingdoms. It will abide forever when all the other kingdoms would have collapsed. The greatest fact, I want to pass across to you is that, every other kingdom will collapse but this one will abide forever.
The greatest privilege anyone can have on earth is to be admitted legally into this kingdom. All you need to do to be a beneficiary of this glorious privilege is to repent and be born again. You become God’s child by adoption and no one can send you out of God’s kingdom except if you personally do things that can lead to being dismembered out of Christ’s body.
So if you are not born again, you have an opportunity right now to decide to give your life to Christ. You cannot experience victory over the other kingdoms except you are a member of the heavenly kingdom. One of these days, the kingdom of this world shall soon become the kingdom of God and His Christ. Every other kingdom Shall perish.
The next kingdom is the kingdom of darkness. The headquarters of the satanic kingdom is located in the second heaven. The second heaven is not the real heaven where God dwells. All serious readers of the Bible are aware of the fact that there are basically three types of heaven.
One, there is the atmospheric heaven, the heaven you see above your head. It is in that realm that you find the stars, the moon and the sun.
Two, the second heaven is located beyond the realm of the first heaven. This is not visible to the human eye. The second heaven is the abode of Satan and all evil spirits. It is the headquarters of evil. Powers of darkness operate from that level. Although, the second heaven is located above and beyond the realm that is visible to man, yet most of what take place on earth are affected and controlled by the activities of the satanic kingdom.
The existence of the satanic kingdom in the second heaven explains why prayer often becomes a battle. There are serious reactions from the powers that reside in the second heaven. When a man decides to pray, he is .firing arrows against the kingdom of darkness. The powers who rule in the second heaven generally react when they are disturbed by the prayers of the believer. That is why there are counter-reactions from the kingdom of darkness.
Another activity which takes place in the second heaven is that there is a kind of spiritual border otherwise known as the ‘spiritual check-point’ where satanic custom officers try to intercept good things that are coming from heaven to earth. Satanic personalities, stand at that check point to arrest angels who are bringing divine blessings from heaven to earth. These powers are not willing to allow anything to pass through their territory without arresting those who convey the goods. That is why the Bible has stated that, ‘the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and only the violent taketh it by force.’ I like a translation which renders it this way: ‘forceful men lay hold upon it.’ This shows us that there is no cheap freedom.
You must fight for your right. The only kind of cheap freedom which I know is when a man closes his eyes in death. Thus he becomes free from all forms of earthly harassments and trouble. To decide to cross over from the camp of the devil to the kingdom of God is to attract satanic anger and attacks.
If someone has been caged by the water, and decides to escape, such a person has a lot of battles to fight. If you are in that situation, you must be ready to fight. Water spirits are not ready to release any of their victims. To release their captives is to lose some of the members. If there is anything which they detest, it is a decrease in the size of their membership.
Sister Flashy prayed for a good husband and her prayers went up to God. God gave attention to her request. An angel was mandated to bring the answer from heaven to earth but the angel was stopped at the second heaven. The evil spiritual custom officer, questioned the angel: “Angel, where are you going’?” “I am going to the house of sister Flashy, I have a message for her.” said the angel. Then the strongman from sister Flashy’s community was summoned by the evil custom officer.
When the strongman came into the picture, he also asked the angel, Do you mean that you are taking this parcel to sister Flashy? It is impossible. You cannot take any parcel in form of a divinely ordained husband to her. She cannot get any other husband on earth because she has a spirit husband in our kingdom;” replied the strongman.
Suddenly, the strongman stopped for a while and beckoned to sister Flashy’s spirit husband. “Spirit husband, come and say a word about this discussion. An angel is taking a husband from heaven to sister Flashy. Sister Flashy is trying to violate the terms of the agreement. Is she not married to you?”
Then the spirit husband opened his mouth and said: “Sorry Mr. Angel, the lady to whom you are taking an husband is my wife. I have all the legal documents concerning the marriage. There is a spiritual law which must be observed at all :times. All those who are married to spirit . husbands and spirit wives in our kingdom are not allowed to get married. However, if we allow them to get married, we never allow them to enjoy a good marriage. So, Mr. Angel, you can take your parcel back to God.”
Daniel had a similar experience. He prayed and God answered immediately. However, he encountered an unusual delay. The Bible makes it clear that God had responded to his request on the very day he prayed. Somewhere along the line, something had also taken place at the frontier between heaven and earth. The spiritual custom officers had intercepted the answer to these prayers. He waited and waited but the answer was not forthcoming.
The Prince of Persia had waylaid his blessing. In fact, there was war at the spiritual check point. What Should have got to him within one day took 21 long days in coming. Thank God he did not lose his miracle. He persevered in prayer until the battle was fought and won through angelic assistance. Again, this goes on to show that the kingdom of God suffereth violence and only the violent taketh it by force.
The third kingdom is the kingdom of men. The human kingdom is the most unstable kingdom among all the kingdoms. Kingdoms rise and fall. Today, it is the kingdom of iron, another day it is the kingdom of clay. This tells us a lot about human character.
The kingdom of the black man is also highly unstable. Blacks are fond of blaming whites for all the problems, calamity, instability, wickedness, travail, woes etc. that has ever been suffered by the black man.
On the surface, this appears reasonable but a look at history shows that the number of blacks which have been killed by black men far outnumber those which any white man ever killed. Unfortunately,
the black man has been his own greatest enemy.
There is no iota of stability of permanence in the human kingdom. The Bible describes the kingdom of men as a mixture of iron and clay. This makes us to realise that no matter the amount of intelligence, professional skill, business acumen, political maturity and years of civilization, there is no stability in the economy, political or social life of individuals and nations. As iron and clay can never mix together the human kingdom will ever remain imperfect, unstable and incomplete.
The kingdom of men will remain unstable until it is swallowed up by the kingdom of Christ. In the kingdom of men, there are witchcraft spirits, familiar spirits, seducing spirits and other powerful demons. These spirits inhabit human bodies causing trouble and confusion.
No wonder, the Bible says “At the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven (where they have their headquarters) of things on earth and of things under the earth.” This shows that there is more than one kingdom in the universe. The Bible says “Woe unto the earth and unto the sea, the devil has come against you in great wrath.”
The fourth kingdom is the vegetable kingdom. In this kingdom we have forests, trees, plants and other non-living things. The vegetable kingdom goes beyond what is seen in the physical realm. The plants and other vegetables also have their own demons. All kinds of beings and demons or spirits lived in them. In Africa especially, there are all kinds of forest demons.
We thank God for the early missionaries and pioneers of the Pentecostal movement who chased most of these demons back into the forest.
I remember a man of God who had serious encounters with forest spirits in 1932. The man of God was so anointed that no demonic power was able to stand before him. He went to a town called Efon Alaye where he met the king and requested for a place to build his church. The king was impressed bythe prayers of the man of God. Specifically, the king told the man of God “I am impressed by your manner of praying. Your prayer is extremely powerful. One thing that interests me is the fact that you sometimes mention the name of the idol of this town. That means your God and the idol which we worship, seem to have something in common. I am ready to give you any support in your efforts to build a church in our town.”
Indeed the king was very funny. He had misunderstood the man of God. The man of God used to pray in the name of the living God which in Yoruba language is OlorunAlaye. He was simply praying to the living God but they thought that the man of God was addressing the god of Alaye (their own idol). Alaye is the name of a very powerful idol in the village.
However, the man of God was not praying to their demon.
It only happened that there was a similarity in the meaning of the two words in the local language. While the man of God was praying to the living God, the king felt that he recognised their own idol. They gave him a free hand to do whatever he liked in the town because they felt that he was also a devotee of their own idol.
Although God had used a mix up in the use of language to open doors for him, He was yet to prove Himself to the inhabitants of the idolatrous community. The people of Elon Alaye wanted to test the power of the man of God. So they decided to give him a place generally called evil forest. This bush abounds in Africa. It was the most notorious spot in the town. That was the place where twin babies
were dumped in those days. Before the advent of Christianity and civilization, twin babies were seen as taboos or abomination. It was therefore customary and in fact, mandatory for all parents who gave birth to twin babies to throw them into the evil forest where there are very powerful demons and idols.
Again, it was also customary for them to bury pregnant women who died there. Witches and notorious members of the community were also buried in or thrown into the bad bush. So, the bad bush was the worst place for anyone to site a church. To apportion him a place like that is to decide to expose him to death or danger, as they knew the powers that resided in the evil forest were so violent that they can strike any trespasser dead on the spot. That was what the man of God had to face, in his attempt to reach out to that terribly idolatrous community. The worst sacrifices known in history of that ancient town were taken to the evil forest. No one enters that forest, stays for five minutes and come out alive.
In fact, there was a mighty python who ruled that forest. The python was so powerful that everyone in that community dreaded it. Immediately anyone enters the forest, the python would crawl out of its place of abode and engage the person who entered the bush in a conversation.
Strange enough, the python would speak the natural language of whoever comes into its territory. What a strange experience for a python to address a human being in his language?
The man of God decided to know the number of plots which the king gave him. The king replied him: “Are you talking about plots? I am giving you everything. The whole of the evil forest is my free gift to you. If you can enter and take over the whole place. Go ahead.” The man of God thanked the king for his generosity and gathered his associates together in readiness to invade the evil bush. The king and his chiefs laughed him to scorn.
They were sure that the man of God and whoever entered the evil forest will never come out alive. The man of God gathered his associates for a very powerful prayer. He laid hands on all of them and demanded that all the powers which are residents in the evil forest should become paralysed. His prayers caused terrible commotion in the kingdom of the forest.
The man of God and his people did not see any human being but they heard the footsteps of a crowd and saw the movement of leaves and trees without seeing any other human being in the vicinity. It was clear to them that the powers in the forest had been disturbed and dislocated. The sound which they heard could be likened to footsteps of people who were being pursued.
That was how they invaded the bad bush with their cutlasses. They were bent on clearing the bush in order to carve out a place of fellowship.
The python, the ruling personality in the evil forest, became infuriated. It left the mountainous area where its throne was located and began to move down slowly in a lordly manner. In its usual manner, the python addressed them in their language, accusing them of trespassing. The man of God did not allow the python to speak further. He spoke against it, in the name of Jesus and commanded the python to stretch itself and die. The serpent fought Violently for two hours. It scattered the entire forest. The man of God instructed his assistant to keep on cutting the grass. The serpent got tired of its acrobatic displays, stretched itself flat and died. That was how the terrible demonic spirit died in a very dramatic power encounter session. The man of God caused a stir in the entire community. Everybody knew that the man of God had come with a higher power, the power of the living God, not the power of the idol of the Alaye town.
Forest spirits are indeed powerful. They have ruled the lives of men and women in many
communities. I know some tribes in Nigeria, where it is normal for snakes to come into their compounds and play with them. Strange enough, these snakes are harmless. Whenever they come into such compounds, they move close to those who live there and play around them harmlessly until it is time for them to go. Nobody kills these snakes. The snakes themselves are harmless. They are worshipped by members of those communities.
The next kingdom is the animal kingdom. Animals are also possessed by evil spirits. That is why we always tell people that if they must keep pets in their house, they must occasionally lay hands on those pets. If you are going to keep cats or dogs, you must ensure that such pets are prayed for regularly.
If you have read the Bible you would have discovered, that when Jesus chased out demons from the demoniac of Gadarenes, the evil spirits asked to be sent into some pigs. That was how the pigs who were many in number ran into the sea and were never seen again. They disappeared. The demons simply went back into the sea, where they originally came from. That is exactly how some people have suddenly disappeared. Such people were never seen again.
I recall an incident, which took place many years ago when I was a teacher in a secondary school. I noticed that a particular girl often behaved in a very queer manner in my biology class. It was very clear that she belonged to some demonic society. The spirit of God laid it upon my heart to call her and give her some helping hand. I took some time to pray for her before I approached her. I called her after a biology class and said, “Tell me, you belong to the spirit world. Is it not true?” She took a long look at me wondering how I managed to discover her. She opened her mouth to speak to me.
“Excuse me sir, I am going to declare my identity to you. I happened to have discovered that you are different from all the other teachers in this school. I have noticed that you have a different spirit. Do you know that all the other teachers who are men like you have attempted to take me to their houses to have sex with me? None of them know the kind of person I am. Now, let me tell you about myself since you are a man of God. My mother lives in the river. In fact, that is where I came from. My mother has three breasts.
There is a particular one in the middle with which she’ breast feeds her spirit children. She would keep the babies strapped to her back from where she would send the long breast to the back. She is a queen mother in the demonic world. Teacher, can you remember the boat which capsized at mid-sea recently? I am sure you can remember that all those who were inside the boat sank with it. Our group is responsible for the mishap. The men who were inside the boat have been captured by my mother. They are now my mother’s houseboys. Everybody thought that the men are dead. No, they are not. They are alive in the river. You can pray for me if you are sure that you can really help me.”
Can you imagine such a strange confession from a girl of fourteen or fifteen? This shows that lots of strange things are happening in the world.
The sixth kingdom is the mineral kingdom. The mineral kingdom is very rich. There are things like gold, silver, diamond, crude oil, tin, etc. in the mineral kingdom. These things are buried underneath the earth. However, there are demonic spirits that are attached to these minerals. That is why we
always caution people on the use of Jewelleries. I have had experiences, that are very strange, in my dealings with some people I have prayed for. Some people thought that the rings they put on there fingers were ordinary materials. When some strange manifestations come up, it will dawn on them.
Some of these people’s rings became so hot that they felt like throwing away the rings. Yet these were the same rings which they had put on without any problem before they came for prayer. That is an evidence of the fact that some of the rings which people put on are demonised without the wearer knowing it. I have said it time and again that most of the rings which we have in African markets originated from Asia especially Bangkok and India. That explains why people put on jewellery in America without any problem. Perhaps the jewellery which they use in America may not be of Asian origin.
However, the bottom line is that people who use jewellery stand the risk of becoming contaminated through demonic fundamental chains or rings. A lot of people have run into trouble by attempting to appear more beautiful or handsome than God who made them. These jewelleries may create avenues through which all kinds of demons can come into your life. It is even worse, when you have in your possession jewelleries that were inherited from your parents or grandparents. You are likely to encounter one problem or the other if you use such jewellery that has passed from one generation to another.
A lot of things take place in the African society. A man was brought to our church some years ago. He had an unusual problem which defied medical science. I pitied him immediately he walked into my office. His problem was that, his mouth was bent .to one side. He had tried everything he knew in order to correct the abnormality. He went to the hospital several times but they couldn’t help him.
In fact, one of the hospitals prescribed panadol after which they advised him to look for spiritual help. They made him to know that there was nothing medical science can do concerning his condition. That was how someone finally advised him to try to see a man of God.
I asked him to tell me what really happened to him. He said, “Sir, I wasn’t born this way, I got into trouble because I did what I should not have done. I happen to have a sister who died leaving her children behind. It was indeed strange when I saw the woman in the market five days after she died. Then I decided to call her. I shouted on top of my voice. “Mamma Jummy, (for that was the name I used to call her when she was alive) come. Mama Jummy! Mama Jummy!! Mama Jummy!!!”
“She refused to answer me. Then I ran very close to her and touched her clothes. Then she turned to me and gave me a dirty slap. That was how I found my mouth tilted towards a particular direction. I lost consciousness immediately. By the time I recovered myself, Mama Jummy had disappeared. That was how I started looking for help everywhere.”
But how did this man get into that kind of trouble? He saw what others did not see and decided to touch a spirit being. Indeed, strange things are happening in our world. It is clear, however, that the man himself had some problems. How could he have seen someone who died if he did not have some extra human power? There was an evil link somewhere between the dead woman and the man.
That is exactly why some sisters who pray to know God’s will in the area of marriage only see their father in their dreams. This also shows that there is an evil link between the ladies and their fathers. That is why we all need to cultivate the art of praying warfare prayers in order to handle these strange experiences effectively.
A lot of things take place in riverine areas. These experiences are as diverse as the numerous riverine communities. However, some of the experiences are common to all the communities.
Many of the ladies who come from riverine communities are loose sexually. They cannot control themselves. Men who come from riverine communities are also loose sexually. They generally find it difficult to stick to one woman. Marriages are generally unstable in riverine communities. Members of these communities are often Sidelined in life. These are evidences of marine spirits’ operation.
If you have this symptom in your own life you must settle down to do something about it. At this point, I want you to close your eyes and take this powerful prayer point. Lay your hands on your stomach and pray with holy madness.
I break, any communication with marine spirits, in the name of Jesus.
Did you take that prayer point? Get ready to take the second one.
Every power, passing strange currents into my life, be bound, in the name of Jesus.
There are some spiritual powers whose function it is to tie the soul of a person or a thing to water. When that takes place, the activities of that person will be monitored from the marine kingdom. Unfortunately, some people take their children to the river on the very day he or she is born. Their own kind of baptism entails putting the child inside the river and bringing him or her out.
The symbolic meaning of that action is that, the child is being dedicated to water spirits. In some cases, they put a drop of water in the mouth of the baby. They even go ahead to invoke the power of the marine kingdom to bless, protect and guide the baby in life. This shows that the baby has been dedicated to the marine kingdom. Sooner or later, the baby will grow up to become demonised by water spirits.
Such evil links must be broken. If you have noticed that many things are going wrong in your life, it is an evidence of the fact that marine powers are working against your life. If you have also discovered that a particular evil dream keeps on reoccurring in your life, it is also an evidence of the fact that some evil powers are working against you.
If you always see dead people in the dream or if you always dream about your former house or school then marine spirits are at work.
If you find yourself returning to your village or town in the dream, then you area Victim of marine attack.
If you are married and there are Some wedding gifts which you have not unwrapped, I advise you to run all the gifts through a thorough check. If you are in doubt concerning any of the gifts, I would advise you to throw it away instead of bringing yourself under unnecessary bondage. What is not known to many people today is that these powers try to gain access into people’s lives through a physical object.
Again, if you have noticed that some invisible objects are moving around your body, then you must wake up to the realisation of the fact that your life is under attack.
If you have also discovered that your sex life is abnormal then you must realise that you are, in all probability, a victim of manipulation by marine forces.
Marine spirits, are responsible for the spread of satanic anointing which makes ladies and men to be promiscuous.
The common experience of all those who are caged by the water is that they sometimes find it difficult to read their Bible even after they have become born again.
People from riverine areas have all kinds of strange experiences. They can hardly discuss these
experiences with those who are close to them because they find them embarrassing and strange. Such people find it difficult to narrate their experiences to anyone.
One of such victims happened to be a pastor. He found it somewhat difficult to confide in me. However, he summed up the courage and spoke out. “Sir, everything you said tonight touched my life. In fact, you were describing my situation in clear details. I followed every step you asked us to take. I have prayed and I believe that God has already granted me a breakthrough, but permit me to narrate my experiences in life. I am a pastor and I am married but there is something in my life which is so dirty that I always find it difficult to tell other people. No matter how hard I pray, I always find myself going back into masturbation. I have tried everything ranging from prayers to positive confession but I have not been able to stop it. Let me confess this to you, I actually enjoy masturbating more than making love to my wife. I am bound to masturbation. It is only an anointed man of God like you that I can confide in. Please help me”.
It dawned on me immediately that marine spirits were about to break his marriage. It was clear that he was suffering from the attack of marine powers.
When somebody is caged by water spirits he sometimes experiences terrible hardships when he becomes born again. Water spirits will attempt to spoil their businesses, destroy their homes and attack their health. Others suddenly experience cold sensations all over their bodies. That is also a strange demonic experience.
Those who belong to the marine kingdom also go into trances.
Others have terrible nightmares. These and other experiences lead to spiritual blindness and bondage.
It is even worse when someone is involved directly or indirectly with the queen of the coast. The queen of the Coast has chained so many people. The demonic queen has also destroyed so many lives. The queen of the coast is also behind the proliferation of fake Pentecostal churches. These marine agents infiltrate Pentecostal churches as prophetesses and priestesses. Such people end up becoming leading members of such churches. They give prophecies which are sometimes very accurate. They go into trances for two hours or more and they can also spend an hour or two giving prophecies.
A lot of people who are members of the marine kingdom or victims of marine attacks often fail in life even when they have everything it takes to make them successful. Some of them are intelligent and educated, yet they are not able to make it in life.
Many of the ladies from riverine areas who are extremely beautiful find it difficult to get married while their counterparts who are ugly easily find husbands. Such ladies wonder why they have such strange experiences.
I remember the story of a particular couple who battled with diverse problems and hindrances when they wanted to get married. It was clear to both of them that some powers were fighting against their marriage. They went ahead to get married all the same. They decided to borrow a Mercedes Benz in which they were driven home after they got married. Something strange happened between the church and their home. The Mercedes Benz ran under a trailer and the couple, together with the best lady and best man, died on the spot. Parents, friends and well wishers wept uncontrollably. None of them knew that what had happened to them was orchestrated and executed by wicked marine powers.
Those who come from riverine communities always experience strange calamities. Women whose husbands come from riverine areas often experience hostility from their husband’s family whenever
they begin to pray against water spirits.
I don’t know if I have described your own particular case but you know what you are personally passing through. Even if others don’t understand what is happening to you, a lot off actors in your life point to the fact that marine spirits are affecting your life directly or remotely. You must therefore decide to face your situation squarely and deal with every form of attack once and for all.