- 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name. 2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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This Website Is Strictly Divinely Commanded To Be Created With Hardwork And Utmost Urgency Anonymously, For Those Who Are far away From The Book Source , especially those living in Gospel-Restricted Territories/Countries and that are Suffering Terribly And Mercilessly Under The Yokes Of The Evil Ones. With Sincere Apology We Say: Anyone who tries to shut down or bridge the protection of this website will be divinely judged. Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage |
Text: Genesis 39:1-4, 7-12
Ministering: Dr. Daniel Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide)
Here we read about the incidence that led to the promotion of Joseph from prison to palace. There is a whole lot to learn from this story. If Joseph had been sleeping with that woman, there was no way he would have found himself in prison, and there was no way he could have worked from that prison to the palace. It is time for us to realise that we do not live in a spiritually neutral environment. We live in a world where satan can attack using all kinds of masquerading devices. We are living in a world where satan can use all kinds of disguising devices.
This story is so relevant to the days we are living in. Joseph was a young, handsome man away from home. He had no parents to supervise him. If he agreed and continued to sleep with that woman, nobody would have reported him, because Potiphar was most often far from home. The woman was there, alone, available and willing. She was what you could call an easy target. Suddenly and openly, this woman held Joseph and said “come, lie with me”.
You see, beloveth, temptation is usually like this. It comes suddenly, with a promise of instant satisfaction. But if you do not discern it, and you jump into the bandwagon, you get into trouble. That instant satisfaction that you get, can ruin a whole life in a short moment. The year is coming to an end. The enemy is going to be hanging hooks all over the place. The waters of sin are sometimes attractive and sweet, but the consequences are sometimes sour and regrettable.
When somebody is under the yoke of temptation, it makes all that is good and spiritual to fade away, and that time, the flesh would be clamouring for immediate satisfaction, and if you yield to that flesh, you score a low mark in heaven. For Joseph, the woman continued pressurising him everyday. “Come, lie with me” day by day. We too can face prolonged temptation. Esau lost his birthright because of temptation from food. Samson first of all withstood temptation, but later yielded after continuous pressure.
Joseph not only refused to lie with this woman, but began to avoid her. Beloveth, people sometimes try to play with fire. They try to strike a bargain with temptation. What is an unmarried doing alone with a man after midnight, and you are expecting nothing to happen? What is it that you cannot watch out, when someone begins to tell you that you are impotent? Why is it that you cannot look out when some people are tempting you with bribes and promise of instant wealth? When it is like this, you better watch out.
You cannot play with fire and remain unburnt. You cannot eat eggs with shells and your mouth with not make noise. The attack on Joseph was in secret. And this is a serious matter. A lot of people are under delusion that they are doing things the Almighty does not see. Oh, if you are like that, you are a fool of the highest order. The Bible says a time will come when what you are doing under your bed will be proclaimed on the house top.
Christians are not known in church. Christians are known by what they do outside; what they do when no one is watching. What happens between you and another man when no one is watching? What happens in that market when no one is watching? What happens to the money you found on the ground when no one is watching? What happened to your fasting program that you broke when everyone was not supposed to break? What happened with that your fiancé or fiancée in that room?
What have you been saying to that man or woman when no one is watching? What happens to your prayer list when no one is watching? What happens to your attempt at personal vigil when nobody is watching you? The truth of the matter is that all heavens were watching Joseph in the midst of those great pressures. The demons too were watching. Who would win? You may think no one is looking at you, but the fact is that all heavens are watching you. They are watching and wondering “will this man disappoint God?” “will this woman disappoint God?”
“Will he or she make God proud? God is depending on him or her to see whether they will stand for the truth. Will they fail? Will this man destroy the plans for his life because of five minutes of sexual enjoyment?” Will you because of money follow a man to a hotel without the knowledge of your husband? Did you think that there was no angel watching you as you moved into that room? Did you think nobody saw that you gave that woman a room number to come to?
If men can manufacture CCTV cameras to look at what is happening, do you think God has no CCTV cameras to watch what is going on? Will you not be embarrassed if God just begins to play the video of your life in the public for everyone to see? Will you not be embarrassed if the video of your masturbation is played here? Heavens will be watching you. “Is he going to throw everything away? Will she throw all her virtues away? Will she allow people to toy and gamble with her body?” God observes us when we are tempted.
He observes our response on the evil day. How did Joseph overcome this? He verbally declined the offer; he said “NO.” He called a spade a spade, not calling it an agrictural implement. He told her that her offer was great evil. He started to avoid her. He eventually fled when the woman became aggressive. He did not throw up his hands and say “well, there is a limit to human endurance. What am I going to do now? Anyway, I am not alone. This problem is general.”
Sometimes when you tell a sister not to dress in a particular way, she will say “but I see other sisters dressing like this” but really, what is your business with the way other ladies are dressing outside? Is your star the same? Is your glory the same? Is your foundation the same? Is your destiny the same? They can decide to toy away with theirs, but you cannot. Others may be doing rubbish and what they want, but not you. Our lives are so different. Joseph did not throw up his hands and surrender. He was not afraid of losing that job. He feared God more than that job.
Beloveth, we are living in a crooked and perverse generation. A generation that is telling us “come, lie with us.” On television, they are saying “come, lie with us”. On social media, they are saying “come, lie with us”. On the streets, they are saying “come, lie with us”. In the marketplace, they are saying “come, lie with us”. The ladies are wearing less and less and less clothes to reveal more and more things. When you begin to show your nakedness in the public, you need to enrol in the school of insanity; because you are exposing what God gave you to cover up. Your head is not correct. Something is wrong.
We are living in that generation where everyday they are calling us to lie with them. The anthem is “it is an acceptable thing. Everybody is doing it. Why should you be the only clean girl here? Why do you hold on to these old fashioned ways?” We need to wake up. And we must fail to compromise with the enemy. Believers should not be stealing at work. You must never be tempted to tell lies. You must never be tempted to cover up the truth.
Do not welcome temptation to hold on to your tithe or your first fruits because it will backfire. Do not welcome temptation to cleverly conceal your sin and bad deeds. The best definition of compromise is a man or a woman lying on the same bed with the devil. The devil is a very dangerous bed mate.
What if Joseph had listened to that woman, it would have completely overthrown all the plans of God for his life and you would never read about Joseph in your Bible. All the foolish “I love you” you were doing as a small boy or girl, where has it led you to now?
Forty days journey might have become forty years for Joseph if he tried it, or the journey might have been absolutely impossible. Compromise is a dangerous sin. It makes angels weep and saddens the heart of God.
Sometimes when you honour God, you do not get hailing and applause from the crowd. Joseph refused to get into sin and he got into prison. It was disaster to the physical eyes but God and His angels were rejoicing because Joseph had triumphed. God was pouring Joseph from vessel to vessel.
This is the same way God is looking at all of us now. He is wondering “Is this one qualified to have my power? Has this one proven himself?” David did a good job as a shepherd, God asked him to shepherd a nation. Standards are falling all over the place now and sin is being diluted and modified. The honest man is becoming the odd man out, the virgins are being addressed as being crazy. So, we believers do not help things when we compromise. We must reject the evil call of our generation.
To be tempted to sin is not the problem, it is when you yield to that sin that is the problem. You must do what that popular song says. It says: Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone,
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known!
That is, be like Daniel in that land who refused to touch the King’s meat. So take inventory of your life as we go on to the end of the year. What is your most persistent temptation? Why is it difficult for you to say “NO” to that particular thing?
You are here and you are still drinking alcohol? I feel very sorry for you. So, most times, stepping into sin is not the tempter’s fault. Some want to sin. Some want to enjoy the sin. Some want to hide and do it. You must resist that temptation to compromise. You must say “not me! I am not going to compromise” to this our dangerous generation that is saying to us “come, lie with us”.
[Before Message]
1. Power of delay, organised to frustrate my joy, die! in the name of Jesus.
2. Any material from my body in any coven, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. My stolen oil, come back to my head, in the name of Jesus.
4. Powers fighting to close my door, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.
5. Every arrangement of darkness, to keep me on the sick bed, scatter! in the name of Jesus.
[After Message]
(Tell the Lord to uproot from your life, any plantation of hell fire, and any plantation that wants to destroy your destiny. That you do not want to leave this place and be a victim of temptation that will destroy you.)
I bind and I cast out, every spirit of death and hell, in the name of Jesus.