- 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name. 2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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Psalm 68
For the oppressed.
For those who feel caged-in by life situations.
When a group of people are being oppressed by another.
Liaise with the Lord, who is great in battle, to crush the head of your oppressor today.
Romans 16:20: “And the God of peace shall bruise
Satan under your feet shortly: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen.”
The devil is the oppressor; he is the one who oppress people with sickness, disease, poverty and death. But the Bible says . . . “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all those that were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).
The first Bible prophecy is found in Genesis 3:15 which says, … “The seed of the woman will bruise his head.” That is why Col. 2:15 says, “Having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it.” Jesus has crushed the head of the oppressor. He openly stripped him of his powers and authority on the resurrection morning.
Grace is unmerited favour, “We are saved by grace through faith .. . Not of works lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). We’ve been saved by grace and the only way we can live our christian lives and overcome is by grace!
The grace of God upon your life will cause you to crush the head of the oppressor as you use these prayer points.
Isa. 54:l0: For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.
Help me, O Lord, to recognise Your voice.
Lord, where I am blind, give me sight.
I throw off every burden of worry in my life, in Jesus’ name.
I refuse to be entangled with any evil friend, in the name of Jesus.
I paralyse every evil hand pointing at my blessings, in Jesus’ name.
I withdraw every satanic instruction against me from the memory of the evil messenger, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, enough is enough. Let hidden infirmity in my life depart by fire, in the name of Jesus.
Let all evil rivers and shrines working against me receive the fire of God, in the mighty name of Jesus.
O Lord, give me a miracle that would dumbfound the world.
I cast down every roadblock hiding my progress, in Jesus’ name.
Let my spiritual temperature send terror to the camp of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, release me from every evil word and evil silence.
I refuse to be made a spiritual rag, in the name of Jesus.
Let every spiritual handicap to breakthroughs in my life be melted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
I recover any organ of my body stored in the bank of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
O Lord, reorganise my body system to reject all satanic arrows.
I command every evil growth in my life to come out with all its roots, in the name of Jesus.
I drink the divine worm-expeller, in the name of Jesus.
I refuse to be glued to any problem in any department of my life, in the name of Jesus.
Let any power storing my blessings in the air begin to release them unto me now, in the name of Jesus.
Let any power storing my blessings inside any body of water begin to release them unto me now, in the name of Jesus.
Let any power storing my blessings inside any inanimate object begin to release them unto me now, in the name of Jesus.
Let any power storing my blessings in any tree begin to release them unto me now, in the name of Jesus.
Let not my enemies triumph over me O Lord.
I clear my goods out of every satanic warehouse, in Jesus’ name.
Let the angels conveying my blessings receive overcoming divine assistance, in the name of Jesus.
I paralyse the power of the prince of the air upon my
prayers, in the name of Jesus.
All satanic laughter at my life, be turned to sorrow, in Jesus’ name
Let every mountain of hindrance to my prayers be melted by the divine fire, in the name of Jesus.
Let the displacing power of the Holy Spirit displace any darkness in my life and replace it with light.
O Lord, convert every failure in my life to success.
O Lord, convert every frustration in my life to fulfilment.
O Lord, convert every rejection in my life to acceptance.
O Lord, convert every pain in my life to pleasure.
O Lord, convert every poverty in my life to blessing.
O Lord, convert every mistake in my life to perfection.
O Lord, convert every sickness in my life to health.
I crush the head of every problem-serpent, in the name of Jesus.
I trample upon every problem-serpent and scorpion, in Jesus’ name
I bind and paralyse the spirit and activities of the wasters upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
I bind and paralyse the spirit and activities of the devourers upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
I bind and paralyse the spirit and activities of the ’emptier’ upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
Begin to thank God for answers to prayer.