The Website is Dedicated to D.r D.K olukoya & mummy G.O Shade Olukoya . The General Overseer of MFM Worldwide: For Evangelism Purposes & To Set the Captives Free. God bless you as you pray. Amen
Prayers for Mountain of Fire And Miracles Ministries
1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.  2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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Many Thanks To Dr. D.K Olukoya for Being Used By Almighty God To Deliver This Generation From Untold Bondage
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To demolish and destroy anything in your foundation, you need to pray aggressively. The problems in your foundation may be silent at this point but you must pray now, lest the problems rear up their heads when they are least expected.
The devil has set up lots of foundational vultures who wait to strike at your unguarded hour. There is a wonderful hymn which should act as a reminder to us lest we forget the dangers that are inherent in foundational bondage.
The enemy will always wait for your hour of weakness. This is what Jesus described as the “hour of the power of darkness”. The hour of darkness will come up in everyone’s life but if you are fully prepared, you have nothing to fear.
There is a night when what I have tagged ‘the Judas Brigade’ will come to attack you. If they come fully armed and you are not prepared for the attack, you will end up a loser. Once your foundation is faulty, you will suffer defeat. Many ministers have risen and fallen shamefully because of foundational bondage. Beware!
Let me end this chapter with this illustration. A man fell into a pit and he began to cry for help. He needed someone to rescue him. While the man remained in the pit, he received a lot of sympathy and attempts were
made to help. Unfortunately, most of them could not help him.
The first person who came to his rescue happened to, be Brother Sympathy. He was very sympathetic but that did not change the situation of the man in the pit. All what Brother Sympathy said was, ‘I am so sorry about your plight. What a pity! Goodbye’. He turned away and left the man in the pit.
The next visitor was Brother logic. He made a terse statement ‘it is logical that somebody must fall into a pit. You are only a victim of a pit that was meant to make someone fall’. Having said that, Brother logic left him in the pit.
Later, brother Condemnation arrived at the scene. He did not spare the victim. He said, ‘it takes a bad person like you to fall inside a pit; you are suffering the consequences of your misdeeds’. He left the man in the condition.
The next person who came on the scene was Sister Mathematics. All she did was to measure the circumference and the radius of the pit. She said nothing about the victim.
The next person who came was Mr. Journalist. To him the incident was newsworthy ‘Hello, we are trying to run an. exclusive story on how you fell into this pit’. After listening to the story, he left the man in the pit.
Later Brother judgemental came to pass his verdict, ‘The pit is the only place meant for sinners like you’. Again he left the poor man there.
Sister Self Pity came on the scene. She declared: ‘Are you feeling bad because you are in the pit? My own condition is worse than yours’. She left the man there.
Later Brother Charismatic peeped at the man in the pit and said: ‘Brother, begin to confess that you are already out of the pit’. The man kept on repeating the words ‘I am outside’ but he remained there.
Brother Holiness later showed up. Hr. said, ‘You are inside the pit because you are a sinner. Resent if you want to come out’. He also left him there.
Brother Hope came moments later. He said, ‘Don’t worry there is hope. After all, you have a shelter over your head inside the pit’.
Brother Faith appeared later and said ‘You are inside this pit because you have no faith’, later Sister Prophetess came, She said, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Things are going to get worse inside the pit. You will never come out”.
At long last, Brother Prayer Warrior arrived and declared “In the name of Jesus, you are coming out of that hole whether you like it or not”. After a session of aggressive prayer, the victim received divine strength and jumped out of the pit.
This is a parable. Ministers of the gospel are languishing in the pit, only deliverance prayers will bring them out.