- 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.  2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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Lost in The Church
I need to tell you my story at the beginning of this chapter. A long time ago, I was attending a very big church; I was an organist as well as a choirmaster of the church. The church bought a big organ practically because of me. The church was even indebted to the tune of ten thousand Naira because of the organ. They promised me heaven on earth in that particular church. 1 resumed my choirmaster job in full as soon as I returned from England. The turning point came however with a night vision.
One day in a night vision, I saw something terrible. I saw a tall black man standing right at the middle of the church. All of us in the church that were very prayerful and who did not like the way things were going on in the church started fighting that tall black man with a horse whip. Each person had stronger he became. Then at a stage those of us horses whip in his hand. We were beating him with all our strength. But the more we beat the man the who were beating him, conferred together on what to do. We reasoned that the more we beat this man the stronger he became.
We then concluded that the man was the cause of the trouble in the whole church. As we conferred together in that vision somebody observed that the black demon was not affected because the horse-whip we were using was not effective. To confirm this, we decided to test the horse whip on the body of one of us. The horse whip was used to beat one of us and blood started oozing out of his body. Then the man we were fighting started laughing at us, that although we came to fight him we started fighting one another almost immediately.
The voice of the Lord came to me in the vision very audibly that He the Lord did not ask me to stay in that church. I left the church immediately. Thereafter, about 6 of us started our fellowship meeting in a small shop. People laughed at me and in fact ridiculed me that if 1 had read mathematics they would have thought I was mad. They wondered how 1 could leave a big church to fellowship in a small shop with six people.
But 1 thank God that I did not listen to them at all. If I had listened to them, there would not have been MFM ministries today. What answer would I have given for the blood of numberless believers 1 would have on my hand?
Many people stubbornly sit tight in their dead churches and many take solace in their dead environment. It is such places that the household enemies will ensure that such people are given church posts in order to tie them down and they would never be able to attend a living church where they would be saved. When such people are told to pray they would start naming their church posts instead of praying.
The devil has deceitfully planted things in them. It is an evidence of life that is not alive to God at all.
The lesson to be learnt here is that, taking up post in a dead church is tantamount to voting for the graveyard.
Numberless people are tied down with church posts, which later turn them to cemetery place. I hope you know this fact that, whatever effort a police man put in the burial ground to look after the dead, is a useless exercise.
They make people churchwarden of the dead. Choirmaster for the dead, Patron for the dead, matron for the dead etc. All such posts are to ensure the deaths of such people themselves.
If somebody is spiritually dead he does not see the way any longer. Such people may not know the people they are in until the Spirit of God departs from them.
Beloved, I would like you to dose your eyes where you are now, cry and quietly examine your spirit.
Perhaps you have been classifying yourself wrongly. Perhaps you are not aware that you are not in the classification of the Almighty God. Begin to talk to the Lord at this moment. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the true picture of your life today. Talk to the Lord now
I was going to a church before where all we did on Sundays was dance, clap our hands and sing. We jumped on the benches. After we would have done all that, the Pastor would announce that our time was far spent, therefore he would not be able to preach any sermon. But we had enough time for endless offerings. Thereafter, we would say the grace and go home. While we were busy doing that, the devil did not only rejoiced but also planted endless calamities amidst us.
I was going to that church until one day when something happened to me which shook me out of that condition. Somebody was boiling oil on fire and 1 was sitting down nearby reading my book.
Then something strange happened. Before my very eyes, the oil on fire became a ball and travelled to my direction and dropped on my leg. I could not move at all. I cried out to the entire household for help. The first person who came, said let us pour ice water on his legs, another person said let us put pap and another pleaded that they should put egg while my leg was busy burning, they were busy arguing. Eventually they agreed on what to do. I was nonetheless managing with one leg.
Then within two months my left hand broke again.
So 1 had a broken hand and a roasted leg. Then one night, the Lord came to me and warned me that I would end up being killed in the dead church 1 was attending. The Lord told me that if I had been attending a living church 1 would have been able to reject calamities that befell me.
It was at that point in time that I started calling on the name of the Lord the way it should be called. He heard me and promoted me from my terrible spiritual position to the top of the rock.
So many people do not want to serve the Lord because of certain things in their lives, which they do not want to drop. They are afraid that if they join the Christian fold, they would not be able to do such things that please them again. Those things have become idols to them. Anything at all that you cannot drop for the sake of God, then such things have become an idol in your life. All you want to do is to please human beings.
The problem of the church today is that many hypocrites are now in the church. They have refused to leave their sins and their dead churches, the Lord cannot help such people.
If you hide your spiritual condition, God will leave you to your problems.
If you are struggling to do some other things that you are not supposed to do, then you must do something about it, for God is concerned about you.
If the trumpet of the Lord should sound today, the evidence that you are in a good church is that you will reign with Christ.
If you are struggling to do some other things that you are not supposed to do, then you must do something about it, for God is concerned about you.
When the time of rapture comes, these people you are socking to please, will not be able to help you at all. They are totally useless as far as spiritual help is concerned.
A lot of people are too worldly to be useful spiritually. They are afraid or ashamed of being tagged fanatical for Jesus. But the truth is what the Lord expects of a believer. They have refused to leave their sins and their dead churches, the Lord cannot help such people.
You do not do the work of the Lord deceitfully, you cannot cheat God, if you do, you will pay for it. If you hide your spiritual condition, God will leave you to your problems.
Why should you design your life after the thoughts and the love of the people of the world? Why should a child of hell fire decide your dress pattern for you?
How could they be the ones to tell you whether or not you are looking fine or dull? Even if you are looking dull, is that the business of a child of hellfire? If they say you are looking dull and heaven says you are looking bright, won’t you be happy? Immediately you begin to live the type of life, the Lord wants you to live; you will invite enemies automatically to yourself. Nobody would have the guts to invite you to worldly parties again, the moment you are God crazy, even if they had put your name unknowingly they would definitely erase it.
Each person will account individually for his or her stewardship on earth, even couples will account individually. So, you therefore cannot blame your husband, wife or children for your lack of spiritual development. If you seek pleasure alone while you are alive, you are indeed dead
Why should believers follow unbelievers to their parties, and help them to do their cooking?
If you are still worshipping God in your sins, then you are not in any way different from the dead church of the Sardis, a church that was in the burial ground.
You cannot be hot for God without becoming an automatic enemy of people of the world. It is a pity however that some people compromise their faith so much to please people of darkness.
When somebody is dead spiritually, good things that are spiritually inclined will not be opened to him or her.
A dead person cannot see God. Only a living person can serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
When everything is almost gone and all things are dosing down, it is then many people will realize how much debt they owe to the Lord. Many of such people will realize the vanity of the world in which their lives had been.
Take a step of faith today by separating yourself from the churches or groups of the dead.
Separate yourself in your mode of dressing, conversation, attitude, faith, way of life etc.
Quit from the congregation of the dead people today. It really does not pay you. The end thereof is eternal death.
Are you still hot for God or you have started backsliding?
Do you find it difficult to witness to others? Do you still harbour sins in your life?
Are you still carnally minded?
Do you as a matter of fact lack the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Arc you still a pleasure seeker? If your answers to these questions arc yes, then you are spiritually dead, and you are indeed one of the worshippers in the graveyard church.
Repent of all your sins today and the Lord Jesus Christ will receive you back into His divine fold with open arms.
Remember that you alone will give an account of your stewardship.
Shun every worldly shame and criticisms. Come to God and He will bless you mightily.
Notice this: To be dead without Christ is hell! It is even more hellish to be spiritually dead without Christ.
He who has ears to hear, what God is saying at this time, let him hear.
Remember this fact that heaven will always listen to the cries of believers.
- Let the Holy Spirit fill me afresh.
- Let every unbroken area in my life be
broken in the name of Jesus.
- Father, incubate me with fire of the Holy
- Let every and-power bondage break in my
life in the name of Jesus.
- Let all strangers flee away from my spirit
and let the Holy Spirit take control.
- Lord catapult my spiritual life to the
Mountain top.
- Lord fill me with spiritual gifts.
- Let heavens open and let the glory of God
fall upon me.
- Let signs and wonders be my lot in Jesus
- Let the joy of the oppressors about my life be turned into sorrow.
- Let all multiple strongman operating against me be paralysed in Jesus name.
- Lord open my eyes and ears to receive wondrous things from you.
- Lord, grant me victory over every temptation and satanic device.
- Lord ignite my spiritual life so that I will stop fishing in unprofitable waters.
1 5. Lord, release the Pentecostal tongue of fire to burn.