Midnight Battle Vigil | Prayer Rain By D.K Olukoya

Midnight Battle Vigil | Prayer Rain By D.K Olukoya



A Vision of the Lost by William Booth

Prayers for Mountain of Fire And Miracles Ministries
  • 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.   2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.

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Prayer Points For The Midnight Battle Vigil
– By Dr Daniel Olukoya

“While men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” (Matthew 13:25)

The midnight battle is a programme vomited by the Holy Ghost in order to arouse the Lord of Hosts to fight your battles and give you total victory.

This is a program of uninterrupted prayer and spiritual warfare targeted at disgracing the enemies of your destiny.

Through this prayer session, God shall lift your head over the heads of your enemies. Welcome to the Holy Ghost hour, the hour of Midnight Battles. Follow the prayer session till the end, and your testimony shall give birth to multiple testimonies.
 By Dr. Daniel Olukoya.

Anchor Scripture: Psalm 2: 1-end

  1. My Father, I am in your courtroom now, avenge me of my adversaries, in Jesus Name.
  2. Domestic witchcraft, I drag you to the court of the Almighty, in Jesus Name.
  3. My stubborn enemies, I drag you to the court of the Almighty, in Jesus Name.
  4. Enemies of my progress, I drag you to the court of the Almighty, in Jesus Name.
  5. O God Arise! Judge them by fire! in Jesus Name.
  6. Garment of darkness on my body, CATCH FIRE! in Jesus Name.
  7. Power of environmental covens, Die, in Jesus Name.
  8. Opportunity wasters, my life is not your candidate, Die! in Jesus Name.
  9. Any chain binding my finances, Break Now! in Jesus Name.
  10. Spiritual powerlessness, Die! in Jesus Name.
  11. Drinkers of blood and eaters of flesh, Hear the word of the Lord, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  12. My inner-man RECEIVE FIRE! (Pray it like machine-gun by repeating it several times), in Jesus Name.
  13. By the power that healed blind Bartemaeus, O God Arise! Heal me by Fire! in Jesus Name.
  14. Power of infirmity, Die, in Jesus Name.
  15. Inherited infirmities, you are a liar! Die! in Jesus Name.
  16. Blood of Jesus, sanitize my blood, in Jesus Name.
  17. Witchcraft-sponsored infirmities, BACK-FIRE! in Jesus Name.
  18. Bondage of infirmities, B-R-E-A-K! in Jesus Name.
  19. Curses of infirmity B-R-E-A-K! in Jesus Name.
  20. Any power prolonging infirmity, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  21. Eaters of flesh; Drinkers of blood, my life is not your candidate, therefore, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  22. Arrows of infirmity assigned against my head, B-A-C-K-F-I-R-E! in Jesus Name.
  23. Agents of infirmity from my food, Die! in Jesus Name.
  24. My Father, You are the One who created times and seasons, and You put me here to operate, I thank You Father for bringing me here today, by the power of the Holy Ghost, I recover my destiny from the hands of the wicked. Father, as David cried unto You, so do I cry today, that: Father, my times are in Your Hands deliver me from my wicked enemies. OH GOD ARISE AND RESCUE MY DESTINY FROM THE HANDS OF THE WICKED in Jesus Name.
Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya, breaking the stronghold of witchcraft
  1. (Raise up your right hand to the heavenlies). In the name of Jesus, I de-programme whatever the enemy has programmed into the sun, into the moon and into the stars, concerning my life. I destroy every evil that has been programmed against me in the heavenlies, in the name of Jesus. Every enchantment, every evil pronouncement, that has been made against me into the atmosphere, I nullify them by Fire! I nullify them by Fire!! I nullify them by Fire!!! in Jesus Name.
  2. Every altar of darkness raised against me in the heavenlies, DIE! in Jesus Name. (Kill the altar of darkness).
  3. Every problem programmed into my life from the heavenlies, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  4. Blood of Jesus, Wipe Out, the handwriting of darkness assigned against me in the heavenlies, in Jesus Name.
  5. Every arrow fired against me from the heavenlies, B-A-C-K-F-I-R-E! in Jesus Name.
  6. Every diviner assigned against me from the heavenlies, RUN MAD! in Jesus Name.
  7. My Father! Arise! Fight for me Now! in Jesus Name.
  8. Every power assigned to destroy my destiny, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  9. Every power of frustration that pursued me last year, Your Time Is Up! DIE! in Jesus Name.
  10. Every enemy of my promotion and advancement S-C-A-T-T-E-R in Jesus Name.
  11. Every operation of darkness in my family line, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  12. I shall have unstoppable advancement in Jesus Name.
  13. This year, the wealth of the unbelievers shall be transferred to my bosom, in Jesus Name.
  14. This year, my star shall arise and fall no more, in Jesus Name.
  15. This year, men shall chase me around with blessings, in Jesus Name.
  16. I recover ten-fold all my wasted years, in Jesus Name.
  17. Every power of the night programmed against my progress, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in Jesus Name.
  18. Mountain of affliction before me, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in Jesus Name.
  19. Every dream affliction, Die! in Jesus Name.
  20. This year, men shall compete to favour me, in Jesus Name.
  21. Every evil hand that shall point to my star this year, W-H-I-T-H-E-R! in Jesus Name.
  22. Every satanic malpractice over my family, I cut you off! in Jesus Name.
  23. Every power assigned to use my life as a dumping ground, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in Jesus Name.
  24. Every tree of failure of my father’s house, Die! in Jesus Name.
  25. (Sing three hot songs with boiling aggression… No. 1 song: Let God Arise and my enemies be scattered [3ce] Let God, My God Arise. No. 2 song: The Lion of Judah has broken every yoke, He has given me the victory again and again. No. 3 song: The walls of Jericho fell down flat, As children of God we’re praising the Lord, the walls of Jericho fell down flat.) EVERY WALL OF JERICHO ASSIGNED AGAINST MY SUCCESS, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in Jesus Name.
  26. Every opposition against my possession, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  27. Every tongue anointed by satan to speak against my life, You Are A LIAR! DIE! in Jesus Name.
  28. Every power declaring that it is over for me, You Are A LIAR! DIE! in Jesus Name.
  29. Every good thing that I have laid my hands upon, my hands shall finish it, in Jesus Name.
  30. Every yoke upon my hands, B-R-E-A-K! in Jesus Name.
  31. Any curse issued against my hands, B-R-E-A-K! in Jesus Name.
  32. Thou power of poor finishing, DIE! in Jesus Name. (I refuse to finish poor).
  33. Thou power of bad luck, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  34. Serpents of death; serpents of wastage, assigned against my hands, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  35. Every strongman assigned against my hands, What Are You Waiting For? DIE! in Jesus Name.
  36. Every evil power of my father’s house assigned against my hands, DIE! in Jesus Name. (Lift up your two hands and wave it to the Lord, as u are waving those hands, every arrow of darkness upon the hands is being shaken out, every cobwebs and spirit of death and hell upon the hand are being taken out….)
  37. Blood of Jesus, Arise in your POWER! ENVELOPE my hands! in Jesus Name. (declare this seven times with faith in your voice: “My hands have laid foundations, my hands shall also finish it in the name of Jesus”).
  38. My hands shall bury bad things; it shall not bury good things, in Jesus Name.
  39. Any power that has tied down my destiny, BREAK-LOOSE, from my life, in Jesus Name.
  40. Wherever the stars have been programmed to disturb my destiny, O God Arise! Manifest your POWER! in Jesus Name.
  41. Every witchcraft power toying with my destiny, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  42. O God of Elijah! ATTACK my red sea! in Jesus Name.
  43. My Father! Reshuffle my environment to favour me! in Jesus Name. (Let there be a re-shuflement to favour me).
  44. My Father! If I have been disconnected from the socket of my destiny, reconnect me by fire! in Jesus Name.
  45. My Father, whatever you have not positioned into my life, wipe them off! in Jesus Name.
  46. O God Arise! And dismantle the poison in my foundation! in Jesus Name.
  47. Negative circumstances that is affecting my success, BOW! in Jesus Name.
  48. I curse the spirit of backwardness, in Jesus Name.
  49. Every witchcraft register bearing my destiny, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in Jesus Name.
  50. Every power delaying the manifestation of my breakthroughs, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  51. O God Arise! And rearrange my circumstances to bring me into glory! in Jesus Name.
  52. Every proclamation of the powers of darkness against my life, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  53. O God Arise! And package testimonies for me in Jesus Name.
  54. Satanic decree working against my life, DIE! in Jesus Name. (Nullify the decree, cancel it).
  55. Every calendar of the enemy, working against my life, CLEAR AWAY! in Jesus Name.
  56. You evil programmers, let me go! in Jesus Name.
  57. Anything programmed into my foundation to waste my destiny, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  58. Any seasonal problem, programmed into my life, I de-programme you by fire! in Jesus Name.
  59. You altar of evil programmers, assigned against my life, DIE! in Jesus Name.
  60. My Father! If I have obeyed any evil command, KILL IT! in the name of Jesus.
  61. Witchcraft programming; You are A LIAR! DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  62. Any negative power, programmed against my head, JUMP OUT NOW! in the name of Jesus.
  63. Satanic programming in the dream, Your Time Is Up! Therefore, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  64. Every witchcraft material planted into my life from the womb, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  65. In the Name of the King of kings, In the name of the Lord of lords, In the name of the President of presidents: JESUS CHRIST! Every witchcraft bondage in my life, B-R-E-A-K!
  66. Any power calling my name into a cauldron, You Are A LIAR! DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  67. Blood of Jesus, WIPE OFF every witchcraft name assigned against me, in the name of Jesus.
  68. Every witchcraft padlock assigned against me, LOCK UP YOUR OWNER, in the name of Jesus.
  69. Every astral projection against my life, BE ARRESTED! in the name of Jesus.
  70. Every witchcraft power that have set eyes on me, RECEIVE BLINDNESS! in the name of Jesus.
  71. Every witchcraft coven assigned against my destiny, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in the name of Jesus.
  72. Poverty stronghold, I cast u down, I set u ablaze! in the name of Jesus.
  73. Every power contesting for my oil, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  74. Every good thing stolen from my life by night, COME BACK NOW! in the name of Jesus.
  75. Every good thing stolen from my life by the day, COME BACK! in the name of Jesus.
  76. Arrows of the day, Arrows of the night assigned against my life, B-A-C-K-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  77. Every mouth of the wicked speaking against me, SHUT UP! in the name of Jesus.
  78. Ministry of fear in my life, DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  79. Every power stealing my promotion, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  80. Every abnormal pattern in my family line, DIE! in the name of Jesus. [Pray this seven hot times]
  81. O God Arise and make me a wonder! in the name of Jesus.
  82. Every power reporting me to witchcraft meetings, DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  83. Every meeting summoned to waste my life, in the name of Jesus.
  84. Information about my life present on any wicked altar, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  85. Camera of darkness, taking my pictures in the dark world, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  86. Every inherited power assigned to waste my destiny, COME OUT NOW! In the name of Jesus.
  87. Communication gadgets of darkness transferring my information, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  88. Every agenda, Every programme, Every plan of darkness for my life, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  89. My wealth, buried in the earth, COME FORTH! in the name of Jesus.
  90. Every arrow of witchcraft fired into my prosperity, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  91. Garment of poverty, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  92. You financial killer of my father’s house, I am not your candidate! Therefore, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  93. Expected and unexpected financial breakthrough, LOCATE ME BY FIRE! in the name of Jesus.
  94. Poverty activator dreams, Hear the word of the Lord! S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in the name of Jesus.
  95. O God Arise and use me to change my family history, in the name of Jesus.
  96. My end shall be better than my beginning, in the name of Jesus.
  97. Anything buried that is pulling me down, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  98. Oracles of my father’s house, speaking against my progress, in the name of Jesus.
  99. Power of collective captivity, my life is not your candidate, therefore, S-C-A-T-T-E-R! in the name of Jesus.
  100. Parental curses, that is working against my life, CLEAR AWAY!!! in the name of Jesus.
  101. I rewrite my family history by the power in the blood of Jesus.
  102. Any problem that came into my life through any dead relative, you are a liar, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  103. My life, reject wastage, in the name of Jesus.
  104. Every agenda of the enemy to capture my spirit-man, FAIL! in the name of Jesus.
  105. Spirit of perdition, spirit of perverseness, LOOSE YOUR HOLD, upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
  106. Every power tying me down to iniquity, B-R-E-A-K-A-W-A-Y!!! in the name of Jesus.
  107. Hell fire shall not harvest my life, in the name of Jesus.
  108. My Father, if I am presently wrongly scheduled, RESCHEDULE ME! in the name of Jesus.
  109. The enemy would not write the last chapter of my life, in the name of Jesus.
  110. Every evil master, rejoicing at my sadness, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  111. Every power drawing my virtues, You are a LIAR! DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  112. My transferred blessings, hear the word of the Lord, C-O-M-E B-A-C-K!!! in the name of Jesus.
  113. Every padlock holding down my progress, C-A-T-C-H-F-I-R-E! in the name of Jesus.
  114. Spiritual robbers in my habitation, LOOSE YOUR POWER!!! in the name of Jesus.
  115. [For Sisters only] Satanic agents wearing my wedding garments, Take It OFF by Fire! in the name of Jesus.
  116. [For Brothers Only] Power of hard labour, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  117. Merchants of souls, assigned against my destiny, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  118. My heavens OPEN! My rain of blessing FALL!! in the name of Jesus.
  119. My Father, do anything to turn my life around, in the name of Jesus.
  120. Commanded blessings! Overtaking Blessings!! Added Blessings!!! APPEAR IN MY LIFE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  121. O God of the turn-around, I am here, LOCATE ME NOW! in the name of Jesus.
  122. Star Hunters, assigned against me, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  123. Powers assigned to make my life useless, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  124. My breakthroughs from the 4 corners of the earth, LOCATE ME NOW! in the name of Jesus.
  125. Any power disconnecting me from the virtues of the Lord, DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  126. My lost FIRE! COME BACK!!! in the name of Jesus.
  127. Powers assigned to push me to the back, E-X-P-I-R-E!!! in the name of Jesus.
  128. In my dream life, My Father, APPEAR!!! in the name of Jesus.
  129. My eyes OPEN! SEE the Lord!! in the name of Jesus.
  130. What stopped my father, will not stop me! in the name of Jesus.
  131. Power of limitation, you are a LIAR! DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  132. I dismantle every power of backwardness, in the name of Jesus.
  133. Every power assigned to disorganise my life, you are a LIAR! DIE! in the name of Jesus.
  134. My hands Receive power to prosper, in the name of Jesus.
  135. My Father, rearrange my circumstances to catapult my life, in the name of Jesus.
  136. Every power reporting me to covens You Are A LIAR! DIE! in the name of Jesus.
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