- 1. O God, arise, uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.  2. O God, let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
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I would like you to open your mind as you read this chapter. This topic is not what many people like to talk about. Nonetheless, it is one of the greatest truths in the word of God. It is about the end of the world, the second coming of Christ, the rapturing of the saints, and indeed, the judgement of God. This message, therefore, discussed the events of which no man can do anything about, just as no man can stop the sun from shining, and the morning from coming into being.
It is really not important whether you believe it or not. What is important is that the word of God says it is true, and the word of God is more than the word of any man. Everything that is happening now is pointing to the fact that this great event is around the corner. It is unfortunate that most people are not seeing it. The Bible tells us categorically that there is a time when great trouble would come upon the world and the Bible calls that period, “The great tribulation.” The prophecies concerning this great event are already happening. Most of the prophecies are becoming history and many people are still shying away from the truth.
Sometime ago, the Lord showed me a vision of the tribulation. I saw in the vision that the Lord came, and many things beyond description happened. Although some people were raptured with Him, numberless others just disappeared like that. Immediately the vision cleared off, I heard from the Lord that what I saw was the great tribulation. What I saw worried me. I saw many dead bodies on the street and people trampled on them but they did not bother about them.
The Lord told me that during the tribulation period, life would become meaningless as peace would be removed. It is because there is peace now that is why people can move around the way they want. The Bible has a terrible picture of what would happen. So, it does not matter whether you believe it or not. One thing is sure, everything the Bible has prophesied about this period has happened to the last letter. I can assure you that if you do not believe that the great tribulation would come, then you do not believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
If you do not have God as your Lord, another god will replace Him in your life. You can never be spiritually neutral.
You are either for God or for the devil. There is nothing like being a free thinker. All free thinkers are thinking for the devil. What you should be waiting for now should be the same as the earnest expectation of all believers, so it is written in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,
But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For it we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so then also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall he caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
So this is what we are all waiting for now and it can happen at any time. It may happen when we are sleeping or while we are awake. It can happen at any time. The Bible repeats the same thing in 1 Corinthian 15:51-52,
`Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all asleep, but we shalt all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”
The Lord is coming with His trumpet, it will be too sad if a believer fails to hear that trumpet. The Bible divides the whole of Gods programme into seven and gives each programme one thousand years. The last one thousand years is what is before us. The Bible is quite emphatic when it says, six days shall thou labour. The six thousandth year of that labour is about to end and the Lord is coming to receive I lis saints unto Himself. He says,
“Let not your heart be trouble: believed, ye believe in God and believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, thereye may be also.” (John 14: 1-3).
Jesus is indeed coming to receive His own to Himself. He is coming to resurrect the dead in Christ. He is coining to take the saints to heaven where they will receive their reward and where they will partake of the marriage supper of the Lamb. He is coming to change the body to an immortal one. He is coming to present the saints to His Father. He is coming to remove the author of lawlessness. He is coming to permit the revelation of the anti-christ, and He is coming to enable the saints to escape the great tribulation.
Please open your mind to this message. Once that trumpet sounds, you will not be able to change your camps. Maybe you are still sitting in your dead church or where there is no God at all. Maybe, you are serving God and you are still living in sins, and evil thoughts occupy your heart daily. May be you are still dreaming of witchcraft spirits and masquerades. May be you cannot remove yourself from the clutch of evil forces. You are still keeping malice and getting angry at people all the time Maybe you are just coming to church and you are not a serious Christian.
Maybe God does not speak to you, and you have never seen any vision in your life, nor know the voice of God when He is speaking. Maybe you are still committing sins in secret and you are covering them from the sight of men. May be you are still unfaithful to your husband or to your wife. I wish to make it clear to you that once you are living an unserious life as listed above, and the trumpet sounds, you certainly cannot be raptured with Christ.
No word can describe adequately the woes of the victims of the great tribulations. Tribulation comes from the word “Tribolium” It is interpreted to mean a threshing hammer. The Bible calls it the time of “Jacob’s trouble.” Jews have suffered a lot. Hitler killed six million of them but God says, there is more punishment coming for them, especially during the tribulation period.
You may ask the question; “Why should God allow people to pass through the tribulation? The answer is simple. It is punishment for neglecting Christ, for the unrepentant Jews, and judgement upon the world for refusing to hear the call of the gospel.
So, it would be a time of terrible trouble. It is better for us to read about it than to experience it. You should prayerfully read it than to experience it. You should prayerfully read it in the Bible and make yourself ready to be raptured with Christ once the trumpet sounds.
Wake up your mind now not to be a partaker in the tribulation that will happen on earth hereafter. Various prophets gave the great tribulation names.
Daniel 12:1 says, ‘And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time. ..”
Daniel clarified the time as that of great trouble. Jeremiah .30:7 says,
`Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.”
Isaiah 24:17-21 recorded the following fearful verses: Tear, and the pit, and the snare are upon thee, 0 inhabitant of the earth. And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.”
If the Old Testament prophets said so much about the great tribulation, no one should be in doubt. It would be a terrible day.
Beloved, this message concerns a believer who does not want to miss the rapture, it is that time that people will find out that their certificates are useless. Judgement will be based on one’s stewardship and what one has done or did not do for the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are in the secret societies will then see on that day, that a great punishment awaits them. The punishment will also affect those who are hiding all types of things underneath their beds and are mixing their Christianity with all kinds of satanic junks.
Matthew 24:21 says, ‘For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. “It means that, such type of tribulation has never been before. The Bible says it will not be seen again. It is great mystery that many have not seen the handwriting on the wall. When you want to observe God’s time-table and you really want to know how God is operating, the nation to look at is the nation of Israel. God raised them up for a particular purpose and so many foes have attacked them but they have not succeeded.
In 1948, they fought a war, the Arabs outnumbered them with a ratio of about 40 to 1. The war lasted for about seven months but Israel won. There was another one in about 1956, Israel won again. There was yet another war in 1957 that was when they got Jerusalem back, they won. There was another one in 1973 which they also won. These are the fulfilment of God’s prophecy. What God has been saying in t he Bible is becoming history now and many people are not observing it.
There would be a time of great tribulation. Immediately the saint are taken away, then hell will be let loose upon the whole world. The saints are the people who have the Holy Spirit. They are the ones praying and interceding. When you remove the intercessors or remove those people calling on the Lord our God, hell will be let loose. A man will now take control of the whole world. He would take up the name of the anti-christ. Although he has not yet manifested physically for us to see, nevertheless, he has manifested in many lives. As Christ was an incarnation of holiness, the anti-christ will be an incarnation of sin. As Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit, the anti-christ will be filled with unclean spirits.
As Christ had love, humility, mercy and patience, the anti-christ will be filled with abomination, wickedness and hypocrisy. Christ received His power from above; the anti¬christ will receive his from below. Christ was here to minister to man for three and half years. The anti-christ shall give the un-raptured people hell for three and half years. As Christ humbles Himself; the anti-christ shall break the law.
Christ made Himself poor so that you may be rich, the anti-christ will make himself rich. Christ was hated when He was in the world but men will love the anti-christ. Christ brought peace into the world; the anti-christ will bring organised confusion. As Christ came to do the will of God, the anti-christ shall come to do the will of the devil. As Christ is the good shepherd, the anti-christ will be the devouring wolf. Just as the Holy Spirit herald the coming of the anti-christ. It is already happening now and is working in the lives of many in the church.
I was once at a wake-keeping ceremony of a late Christian brother. While we were yet singing that he should sleep on in the land where no lights or days were seen, some people suddenly challenged us to stop singing. They said it was time for them to perform their own rituals. After sometime, people began to enter with strange uniforms; they switched off the light and rushed to the man’s bedroom. The believers did not wait to be told to disappear before they did. But in the church on Sundays, before he died, he was a dutiful usher.
But the role did not shape his Christian life. While he was ushering people into God’s kingdom, he had become a sign¬post himself. The thing about the sign post is that, it will never leave where it is. It will only point the way to the place. He was a sign post which ushered people into God’s kingdom but in the end, he belonged to satan’s kingdom. That is the spirit of the anti-christ and it is operating in many lives today, and confusing many people.
A brother also told me about the evil that took place in his former church before every service. He said that they would prepare incense and then drop a bit of marijuana (hemp) into it. When the people sniffed it, there would be confusion and they would say that the Spirit of God was moving. But it was rather the spirit of the anti-christ.
Any spirit that will throw anyone on the ground and make him or her to disorganise the benches is not the Holy Spirit.
It is the spirit of the anti-christ. The Holy Ghost is as gentle as a dove and He is the Comforter. The brother also revealed that whenever they wanted a man to stop loving his wife. They would take a candle, write the name of the wife on it and thereafter perform certain rituals. Anti-christ fight in the church! Some so called prophets pray for cocaine pushers. They pray for thieves, so that the course of justice will be perverted whenever they have a case in court and they will pray that innocent people should be jailed.
The spirit of anti-christ is greatly at work! It is already in the world. Will you allow it to grab you? When the trumpet sounds, where will you be? Or don’t you know that an un-raptured believer cannot do anything in the midst of the witches and wizards left behind? Revelation 13 gives an in-depth insight into what will happen on that day. Read this chapter very well and understand it. This world is not a world you should live in anyhow. It is not a world you should be infatuated with. It does not make sense because it is passing away.
If you refuse to leave the world, the world will leave you. A man of 150 years cannot be looking for prostitutes. People will have to carry him there and the prostitutes will not answer him. So, if you refuse to leave sin, it will leave you and at that time, it would have made you useless.
Revelation 13:1-18 says, ‘And I stood upon the sand of the sea, ( Ile sea there means people) and saw a beat rise up out of the sea, /laying seven heads and ten horns, and upon him horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feetwere as the feet of a bear, and his mouth
the mouth of a lion and the dragon (the devil) gave him his power and his seat and great authority… ”
So, the devil gave the anti-christ power and great authority.
e offered him his seat and his power. Verse 3 says, `And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound cent healed and all the world wondered after the beast.” So, the Bible says the people of the world will wonder after the beast. [‘hey will confess that the anti-christ is wonderful.
Verse 4-8 says, “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”People will ask, “Who is able to make war with the anti-christ?” He will have lots of military armoury, ‘And there was given unto him a mouth speakinggreat things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue fort’ and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindred and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”
Verse 12-14 says, ‘And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live” (He will be doing all kinds of wonders and all that are in the world shall worship him).
Verse 16-18, ‘And he courseth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hands, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that bath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred, three score and six.”
So, if a person does not receive that mark, the person will not be able to buy or sell anything. It will surprise you that many products now carry the number.
Revelation 14:11 says, ‘And the smoke of their torments absconded
up for ever and ever; and they have not rest day nor night, who worship
the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”
Re rest assured, that anybody who receives this mark is doomed forever. People who do not have the mark will not he able to buy food neither will they be able to go out. But people who receive the mark are forever doomed and hell lire is their place. This is a prophecy of the Bible that must come to pass. Some of the biblical prophecies have happened and the other ones will happen as well and that spirit of the anti-christ is already in operation now What will you do when you cannot find those you are praying with again? What will you do when you look for the preachers and you cannot find them, particularly those people you considered to be strange, the chronic S. U. (Scripture Union) people who refuse to sit down in their homes; who are always preaching? You will discover that day, that they did not just wake up to be preaching about. Maybe you say that you do not carry your own religion on your head but Jesus carried 1 lis own religion on His head. So, why do you want to hide your own Christianity? Did you not read it in the Scripture that you cannot light your candle and put it under the bushel? Why do you want to hide your own light and religion?
‘Ile spirit of the anti-christ is already on the streets. Strange things are happening in the churches now Many ministers are beginning to take their children to doctors for abortion. We have started having women bishops. The church of Orunmila now exits. There are Bazaars all over the place. I saw a van on which somebody wrote “Christlam.” All these things are signs that the spirit of the anti-christ is already around. Somebody will be in the house of God and yet his mind will by flying about, thinking about many things e.g. business, television, food, girlfriend, etc. It is the spirit of anti-christ that is making all these things to manifest.
Once the truth is preached to you and something inside of you rejects it, then something is wrong. Some people came to the church with gum in their mouth. The Bible says that evil men shall was stronger and stronger and wicked people shall continue in their murder. The Bible reveals many groups of murderers. If you hate your neighbour, according to the Bible, you are a murderer. You don’t have to physically kill somebody before you commit murder, once you hate your neighbour, you are a murderer. You are a murderer when you don’t have the love of Christ in you.
If you hate your wife, kids, brethren, your father and mother, the Bible calls you a murderer. The Bible says death and life are in the power of the tongue. People who are committing murder with their mouths everyday are murderers according to the standards of the Bible. People who are committing abortions are murderers. All husbands who ask their wives to abort are murderers. Wives too who are committing fornication are murderers. The Bible calls those who kill themselves daily with cigarettes and alcohol murderers.
Those who kill themselves with worry are destroying the temple of God. When you worry about temporal things, the bible calls you a murderer. There are many people worshipping false gods now They shall see their reward in due seasons.
There are various grades of people the Bible calls thieves; They are stealing God’s time and money. The message according to the Bible is, watch and pray, so that that day will not come upon you unawares.
Be prepared! Remember that song which says, “O sinner man, how dare you. You want to stand before God, you want to stand in the judgement unprepared to meet God?” Many people who are coming to church are not Christians at all. I don’t want you to be somebody who is just doing false Christianity or playing church because the great tribulation will come, and you must make the rapture. Abandon anything that will disturb you from making the rapture now you have no excuse whatsoever. Excuses of your husband, wife, children, job etc., will not be acceptable on the day of great tribulation.
The maximum anyone can live is probably 100 or 200 years. But by the time one gets to that age, one is already useless. However with eternity, the difference is distinct. Eternity has no end. If you go to the bar-beach and begin to count the sand granules; no matter how long it takes you to do that, it cannot be as long as eternity. Eternity is endless because at that time, the Lord will remove calendars, clocks, etc.
Talk to the Lord now: Anything at all, no matter how small that can prevent you from being raptured will make you to qualify for the great tribulation. Pray the following prayer point to God now “Father Lord, examine my life this hour and whatever will prevent me from seeing your face, remove it from my life. I don’t want to come to the world in vain but I want to see your face at the end of the age, in the name of Jesus.
The Bible says that God is not mocked. You cannot deceive God. You can only deceive yourself. You know the condition of your heart at this moment and you know that there are certain things you need to confess and ask the Lord for forgiveness. Say this, “Lord, I want a transformation in my life now.
” If you know that there are things you need to sort out with God this hour, lay your hand on your chest and specifically about what you have been doing. Tell the Lord that you have not been spending your time for Him. If you know you have not given your life to Christ, you have  not openly declared your life for Him and you want to take that step this moment. If you don’t want the devil to push you to hell fire and you want to be serious with your Christian life, repeat this confession: “Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you this moment, I know that the devil is bad and  that he doesn’t have anything good for me.
At this moment Lord, enter into my life in a new way and deliver me from the bondage of sin and the bondage of death. I give my life unto you, in Jesus’ name. Father Lord, I pray that you lay your hands on me. As from today, I will no longer be the same.
Let your Spirit ignite my spirit and your fire be upon my soul, in the name of Jesus.
Bless me abundantly and give I is the grace to stand in your presence, in Jesus’ name.”
- Spirit of the living God, fall afresh upon me, in Jesus’ name.
- Lord, cover me with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
- I bind every spirit of sudden and premature death, in the name of Jesus.
- I bind every spirit of death in my household and anyone close to me, in Jesus’ name.
- I bind every blood sucking demon from my ways, in Jesus’ name.
- Lord, anywhere that I will put leg and you will not support it, prevent me from going there, in Jesus’ name.
- Every demonic activity resulting in death, I bind you. I decree that you will not operate in my life, in Jesus’ name.
- I bind every spirit of infirmity, in Jesus’ name.
- Father Lord, give me the power to live a holy life, in Jesus’ name.
- Father Lord, remove from my life, anything that will prevent me from entering into your kingdom, in Jesus’ name.