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Topic: THE MYSTERY OF VOICES (3) Text: Psalm 55:1-3 Ministering: Dr. Daniel Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide)
The psalmist was the man who wrote one of the most dangerous prayers ever written, because he understood warfare. Know that the devil has not changed his own tricks, he is still using the same tricks.
Words are powerful. Words can bless. Words can kill. You can hear a story and it makes your heart sink. You should understand that the voice of the enemy is a powerful entity.
I pray that those voices will be powerless in your life, in the name of Jesus.
Thieves who write letters to the people they want to steal from, use a voice of psychological warfare. They like to weaken the defences of the victim. Those words they speak paralyse the victims before they even get there. Why do you think before a football or wrestling match, the players are allowed to talk? What do you think they are doing? What they are saying through those voices is that they want their opponents to lose the match before they even get to the pitch. There are many groups of enemies but they are many enemies who say “you can never do this or that”.
Raise up your right hand and shout this loud and clear. Voices of my silencers, hear the Word of the Lord, expire! in the name of Jesus.
People have told us at deliverance ground that they heard voices telling them various negative things. “you can never marry”. “you can never travel”. And things like that.
Can you shout this loud and clear: PRAY: “You can never” enemies, hear the Word of the Lord, are you my God? Die! in the name of Jesus.
We are talking about the voices of the enemy, as part of our exposition on mystery of voices. Boxers about to fight, use the mystery of voices to weaken their opponents. The Bible calls some people “miserable comforters”. They never encourage people, they discourage people. Whenever they talk to people, they do more harm than good. Now, these days, the enemy is issuing voices through the press, radio, television, social media like Facebook, Twitter, papers, news and even medical reports. They are all voices.
The enemy can say things to you through medical reports. All he wants to do is to get those words across to you. Whenever those words and the voices come, they will not come the way you can hear me now. They can come as a whisper to your spirit, or a suggestion to your soul. You must not keep quiet. To keep quiet is a disaster. You must talk loud.
You must say “devil, you are a liar! You cannot stop me. I stop your words with the Word of God. I render your words powerless and harmless. I render your words null and void. What you are saying is not correct. I am born to win. I am born to reign. I am born to rule. I am born to shine. Your curses cannot stop me.” You start decreeing it.
There could be a voice from your foundation saying” well, people in this family die at 40, and since you are 38, get ready”. You should not keep quiet. You must speak loud. You must decree: “No curse in my family can stop me by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ!”. (shout this seven hot times).
But it is not a quiet thing. You have to verbalise it. You can say “nothing in my lineage can stop me. It does not matter how many of you are attempting it, you will fall flat before me. Because the Bible says ‘every enemy that comes against me shall fall flat before my face. When they come against me in one way, they shall flee in seven ways’”. You can shout “I bring down every word of the enemy. I refuse to be bothered by your wickedness.”
There are words that are circulating everyday. Some of these words are sending people to hell fire. You must fight the words and voices that are fighting you.
Unfortunately, many glorious destinies have been crushed by the voice of the enemy. The voice of the enemy: – possesses assassinating power. – can kill the winner in you. – can turn the prophet to parrot. – can turn the hero to zero. – can turn somebody to a nobody. – can turn a Victor to a victim. – is a poisonous arrow of destruction. – Is a rod of oppression. – An aggressive tormentor and terminator. – is a sorrow planter. – makes the hearts of people to fear and fail. – frightens people in order to finish them. – possesses hypnotic power. This is a very very serious matter. – may roar like Goliath. Goliath’s voice is the roaring and boasting voice. – may pretend to be an angel of light, just trying to pretend. It is an evil battle cry. – can distract you from your original plan and can pressure you with intimidating and killing power. – causes cheap surrender before the battle. – is a generator of stress, tension and pressure. – Is a generator of emotional, mental and psychological pressure. – is a robber of faith. – can imprison the champion in you. – can make your spirit to sink.
I am praying for somebody here: any voice that is bringing trouble upon your life, that is contradicting the Word of God upon your life, I silence them now, in the name of Jesus.
HOW TO RECOGNISE THE VOICE OF THE ENEMY. – a voice speaking to you, making you to go against the will of God. – a voice asking you to add something to your faith, asking you to compromise your faith. – a voice making you to listen to the doctrine of the enemy, and it must be silenced.
The voice of the enemy constitutes a war drum beating to fight you. The trouble is this: the voice of the enemy sometimes can come from friends as suggestions or advice, can come from relatives or even from family. Jesus identified that the voice speaking through Peter was not Peter and so He shouted “get thee behind me, Satan”. The voice of the enemy can come through colleagues, partners, doctors, false prophecies.
This is a problem with people who roam around from mountain to mountain and from prophet to prophet, and as they move around, the enemies are planting new voices to confuse their lives. The New Testament does not encourage us to be going from prophet to prophet. In the Old Testament, people went from prophet to prophet because there was no baptism of the Holy Spirit. But now, in this hour of grace, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the facility to pray, you do not need any prophet to tell you what is going on in your life.
Going all around like a butterfly or a mosquito to gather prophetic voices means that you are looking for voices to derail you.
In conclusion, which voice do you follow? Is it the voice of fear? Or pressures? Or pleasures? Or lust? Or riches? Or the voice of the cares of this world? Or conflicting voices that are overriding the voice of God in your life?
Today, you need to: – repent of all known sin. – learn the principle of soaking yourself in the Word of God. If as a young person, Jesus brought you to MFM, it must be that there are certain things prayers are to address in your life, but maybe not now; but in the future. If you hear voices of “your dressing is dull” or “you have not pierced your nose” or “you are not dressing the way you should dress”, and you listen, the voices technically push you out. Note that the enemy is coming back to launch a warfare which you will not be able to counter, because they have lured you out of fire. – be filled with the Holy Ghost. – learn how to arrest evil voices with the Word of God, prayer and the blood of Jesus. Learn how to counter evil voices.
PRAYER POINTS [Before Message] 1. Powers assigned to disorganise my life, you are liars, die! in the name of Jesus. 2. O God arise, deliver me from the battle of the night, in the name of Jesus. 3. God of Elijah, appear, change my hardship to glory, in the name of Jesus. 4. Battles against my sunshine, die, in the name of Jesus. 5. Agents of darkness, using the glory of my life of trade, die! in the name of Jesus. 6. Demonic powers, looking into my future, to destroy it, destroy yourselves! in the name of Jesus. 7. File of darkness, keeping the details of my future, catch fire! in the name of Jesus. 8. Powers cursing my future, receive angelic slap! in the name of Jesus. 9. Angelic army of God, go to my place of birth, and recover all my glory, in the name of Jesus.
[After Message] 1. Voices from the grave, calling my name, die in the name of Jesus. 2. Satanic armed robbers, flying in the heavenlies against me, fall down and die! in the name of Jesus. 3. Voices from my foundation, assigned to confuse my life, shut up! in the name of Jesus. 4. (Lay your hand on your head) Arrows fired into my brain, backfire! in the name of Jesus.